Atlee Kumar, a big name from Tamil film fraternity has delivered many blockbusters in Tamil previously and even his first hindi venture Jawan, along with Shah Rukh Khan was a blockbuster. Atlee Kumar has recently produced the Baby John movie which was released on the eve of Christmas.
Even after making proper hype and promoting in every available medium, Baby John failed to survive at the box office. Baby John was made on a budget of Rs 180 crores and it recovered only Rs 15 Crores in two days. The eve of Christmas is considered as one of the favourable day for cinema release but Baby John failed to acquire this chance.
Atlee Kumar looked confident during the media meetup and promotions regarding the movie and even the main lead Varun Dhawan also expressed this movie as his best movie but the result became strange. The failure of Baby John gave a big shock for the entire team and Atlee Kumar. Some of the audience say that the Atlee’s overconfidence regarding remaking Theri into Hindi has made them sink.
After failure numerous reasons stand, but one thing is sure that the Hindi audience loves south movies but not their remakes, we can say that’s the main reason for Atlee’s failure.