In the previous years we have seen the rise of Malayalam movies, wherein some of the movies have been remade in Hindi language. Mohanlal, a big name from the Malayalam industry, his movies became popular in the entire nation. In 2013 Mohanlal starrer Drishyam made entire indian audience made over the story of the movie.
The success of the Drishyam movie grabbed the attention of various film industries in India, Drishyam was remade in Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and various languages. Ajay Devgn’s career graph spiked due to the Drishyam movie. Recently Mohanlal was asked in interview about Drishyam movie. He mentioned that due to Drishyam movie, the Malayalam film industry got nationwide recognition.
Mohanlal also said that they had to wait for 6 years to release Drishyam Part 2, and during release they had to fight against COVID 19, Drishyam 2 was released on direct Amazon Prime Platform. Mohanlal in this interview disclosed that they are now planning for Drishyam 3. This statement from Mohanlal has now opened doors for the speculations regarding the script of Drishyam 3.
At the end of Drishyam 2, The hero wins the court case and vanishes every proof of the murder. After this scene everyone thought that now finally the Drishyam series has ended but after this interview each individual is shocked and is searching all over the internet regarding Drishyam 3.